Hey all, welcome back to another blog. I know Im a month or two late however I'm back and have some exciting stories and blog posts to share with you this year.
With it being were already in February, there's so many changes and new goals I have for myself and also for you all, so I'm just going share a bit I have in store for the year personally and for my brand.
To begin, this year I have already had some major personal changes.With so much changing around us I had to stop and remind myself what was really important to me and as a person how I can show up more in my personal life as-well as showing up for my family and close friends.
My first major change is understanding that I I need to take social media breaks, well a break in general to restart and reset. The world can get overwhelming and with me being an creator stepping away from every social media outlet has helped my unblock a lot of areas that was cloudy. I honestly advise anyone reading this to incorporate this into a part of your monthly goals, you'll be surprised how much more your mind opens up and how much Real Work in get accomplished.
My second personal goal is to be more intentional with my relationships both personal and with those I choose to have in my circle. One part of elevating is cutting out those relationships you care to much about but isn't getting anything back from. I decided to focus more on those you Honestly support me and my journey and add value to me as me to them. I have made sure that I have not only voiced my thoughts and opinions to those around me on what I want, need and expect into my next chapter, but also allowing my self to listen to those around so I can give the same energy in ways they wouldn't expect. My outlook is build the table, play our position to one other and lets all reap the benefits of creating an universal village, especially with my sisters.
I know you're wondering "what about dating?" Well, to be honest I am still and will always be open to love but right now my main focus isn't that however, if it presents itself I am open arms.
I also have learned that my own laziness have stopped me from doing everything I know I can, so instead of procrastination I plan to be proactive with all the time I'm given in a day, but to also not beat myself up if l the boxes aren't checked. I have created a Monthly meditation ritual, added the gym to at least 5x a week, fasting to keep my health up, I make sure I am up to date on creating content and have my calendar that has my vision in front of me that way when I wake up I know I have something to focus on instead of allowing the day to wander on.

So far I have found it helping me out a lot. It keeps my vision stay in line, set priorities to assure im up on business and income and allows me to hold myself accountable if I do not reach my goals. This may seem small to others but for me this has contributed a lot to my third eye opening.
Now lets talk about my brand. What is next for Nxvmbr? Well my first Erotic Book "Freaky Talez" is still flourishing and volume 2 is in the works on being complete, so I plan to continue to capitalize off of that as well as adding more literature for both of our enjoyment in not just urban romance but other avenues as well. I will be adding voice recordings of my stories as well that will be available for those interested.
I will be building up my non profit Favor (Fighting against violence and rape). This is a project that's dear to my heart since 2014. My organization will be speaking up against Assault and Rape in hopes of building a community for healing to individuals that need it, like I once did.
I will be more active and live via website, YouTube and be more present in getting my voice and talent heard through many channels via social entertainment outlets as well as working on my own Podcasts. Which the goal will be to record and off Morning inspirational messages, Bedtime stories and a lot more so you call can view all facets of me.
To include I am putting my Yoni Steam Practitioner Certification to use and gong back to helping man heal their wombs through western medicine. So ladies get ready.
And many have asked about my Bra Line and honestly I had to put it on hold to iron out are details as this process hasn't been easy but I have learned quite bit to prepare me for other endeavors.
As you can see I have quite a bit to stay focused on and this is just brief summary of how I am moving this year in building a business but Im totally determined. Going into my 3rd year as a full time entrepreneur I have realized this rode isn't for the weak but I plan to continue to go full force and learn everything I can while also applying the skills being presented to me to carry me to my next journey.

I have been praying for these moments, I have manifested everything I speak and I will continue. ave faith and work hard so that I can provide for me and my seed.
So my inspirational message to whoever reads this is to stay focused and don't lose sight of the vision no matter who comes on the road to detour or to help a smooth ride. Appreciate the real ones in your corner and cutoff loose ties. And remember never be afraid to rest and restart is yo journey not no one else's.
Until next time thanks for tuning in, taking the time to read my blog and visiting. Feel free to leave a comment or share a goal of yours for 2022, I would love to hear them.
With Love and Light
* Nove
Keep it up beautiful. I love seeing creative minds being successful. You have really been killin it lately. You deserve all of the rewards coming your way. I'm starting a new Job in July of this year, so im definitely excited about that change.